TES Franchise

TES Career Coaching Business Lays Groundwork for Rewarding Future

If your corporate job is leaving you feeling uninspired and unfulfilled, a future helping people explore their options, possibilities, and dreams will give you renewed purpose. Career coaches for The Entrepreneur’s Source® provide thousands of people with the answers and opportunities they need to improve their lives.


Corporate Apathy Rises

There has never been more value in being a coach or mentor than right now. The outlook for corporate workers is bleak and economic projections paint a dismal picture. Record inflation, political strife, and a dip in consumer spending are sparking fear the country could be on the verge of a recession. Major American companies such as Meta, Morgan Stanley, Microsoft, and Twitter announced they were cutting staff in November.


Lack of job security and stagnant wages are taking a toll on American workers. A recent Gallup poll revealed 68% of U.S. workers are not actively engaged at their jobs. The lack of engagement is particularly striking among younger generations. The number of people under the age of 35 who are actively engaged at work is on the decline. While younger generations place a high value on workplace flexibility, young hybrid and remote workers do not feel valued, and the lack of development and mentoring is leaving people feeling adrift.


Young people are turning to entrepreneurship to find careers with value. In 2021, millennials accounted for 13% of small-business owners. At least 49% of millennials had a side hustle, according to a survey by Bankrate.com.


Career Coaching in High Demand

As younger generations pursue entrepreneurship to find financial freedom and self-sufficiency and older generations grapple with ageism, career coaching and mentoring continue to be in high demand. We are inviting aspiring entrepreneurs to join our team. Our coaches understand the power of business ownership. Investing in a franchise allows people to reap the benefits of entrepreneurship with less risk.


“My career with TES gave me my life back,” said Wendy Dalpez, a TES coach. “Thanks to TES, I am excited to go to work again, but this time it’s on my own terms.”


Owning a career coaching franchise allows you to help clients reach a point of clarity by creating a “safe space” for them to explore business ownership. TES offers top-notch training, support, IT tools, and marketing programs to help its franchise coaches meet their financial goals. Career coaching can help people find a future with a purpose that meets their financial and lifestyle goals.


TES coaches focus on creating possibilities for their clients while achieving their own version of the American dream. Our coaches operate a home-based business with high profits that is recession-proof. Helping other people fulfill their dreams is a rewarding business opportunity.


Thankful for TES Coaching Team

With Thanksgiving approaching, TES would like to express its gratitude for its dedicated career ownership coaches. They make a difference in the lives of hard-working Americans and are advocates for entrepreneurship. Coaches help people successfully achieve their goals by offering guidance, support, and education. In November, we also tout entrepreneurship as a pathway to fulfilling the American dream. To honor the important role small businesses play in the American economy, President Joe Biden released a proclamation declaring November

“National Entrepreneur’s Month.”


If you are striving to find a rewarding future, a coaching franchise may be the start of your Career 2.0®. Help a new generation of people achieve the American dream. For more information about TES, visit www.entrepreneursource.com, or check out our guide book, “Your Career 2.0®  A Survival Guide for the Battered Career and Investor Syndrome®.”


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